Transcription of recordings

Transcription of recordings

Today, the development of technology is extremely dynamic and promises  to revolutionise our lives. Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly entering into various industries, from logistics, commerce, banking to medicine. It helps create new jobs related to its use, but also requires workers in each field to be able to adapt and learn quickly. Our range of services is constantly expanding and we receive requests not only for translations, but also for copywriting, localisation, SEO, subtitling of films or transcription of spoken text. Transcription records the sounds of a language using characters or phonetic spelling. It is used to convert speech to text or to transcribe words into a form that allows a person to easily reproduce the sound.

The content of the recordings we receive is highly varied, ranging from interviews and business meetings to private matters. Without the right tools, this task is time-consuming and complicated. Depending on the effect the client wants to achieve and the purpose of the material, the transcript in its final form may include an identification of the different speakers, indicated time periods, or a description of the background of the recording. Regardless of these guidelines, however, the most important thing is to reproduce the content of the recordings as accurately as possible, as their quality is often poor. The recordings we receive are not always easy to process in terms of audibility or the sensitivity of the topics they cover.

Recently, a private client sent us a 60-minute recording expected to assist in a court case. To reduce transcription costs and speed up delivery,
we use programs that transcribe text automatically. Our vendors then work with the text to remove errors that the AI has not picked up. However, the program we have been using so far couldn’t cope with the crackling, volume changes or noise. As a result, the generated text was not usable for further correction by translators.

How did we go about solving this problem? Well, we decided to look for new tools that would allow us to handle even the most demanding recordings. After reviewing several programs, we were able to select one that met our needs in every way. We tested the use and efficiency of the transcription tool. The selected program transcribed the text almost perfectly and immediately inserted the time period labels. This tool greatly helps our vendors to save time in technical tasks and also allows them to pay full attention to the meaning and use of appropriate language style. This gives us the opportunity to offer the client a reduced price and a shorter project completion period.

As a translation agency, we are constantly expanding our portfolio of services. The development of technology also requires us to keep searching for more innovative solutions that allow us to follow trends. Even in the age of artificial intelligence and machine solutions, we place great emphasis on an individual approach; the ultimate reviewer of the quality of our work is always a human. If you would like to know more about our products, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will find the optimal solution for your specific requirement.